A few steps to make the program run on Windows+Matlab R2018a: - in all test files, replace addpath(genpath('~/mosek')) addpath(genpath('~/yalmip')) by the actual paths, e.g., addpath(genpath('C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\toolbox\R2015a')) addpath(genpath('C:\libs\YALMIP-master')) and similarly for the toolbox_graph (downloadable at https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5355-toolbox-graph ) or the FAUST data (e.g., addpath('C:\ICCV_2015_source_code\training\watertight_5000') ) - in interleaving.m, line 82, replace X_proj = reshape( intlinprog(fObj,intcon,[],[],A_ds,b_ds,lb,ub,options ), n, n ); by X_proj = reshape( intlinprog(fObj,intcon,[],[],A_ds,b_ds,lb,ub,struct(options) ), n, n ); - in interleaving.m, line 97, replace X_proj = reshape( intlinprog(fObj,intcon,[],[],A_ds,b_ds,lb,ub,options ), n, n ); by X_proj = reshape( intlinprog(fObj,intcon,[],[],A_ds,b_ds,lb,ub,struct(options) ), n, n ); While this produces a warning, this prevents an error in Mosek's intlinprog at line 135 options = mskoptimset(defaultopt,options) - Make sure you have about 10GB of free RAM, otherwise Mosek crashes. - If you installed Mosek after having installed Yalmip and already run the code unsuccessfully, make sure to "clear CACHED_SOLVERS" otherwise Mosek won't be found by Yalmip as the available solvers are cached. The Faust dataset is at http://faust.is.tue.mpg.de/ (though I don't think the original dataset is needed) and the iccv code has moved from web.stanford.edu/~cqf/convex to https://cqf.io/convex/ The different tests for 'synthetic', 'faust' and 'scape' run smoothly and produce the expected matchings. I did not test the last script, testPMSDP_scapeRawScans, since it requires manually preprocessing the SCAPE dataset with the ICCV code. Another run on Linux produced similar results.
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