StrokeAggregator: consolidating raw sketches into artist-intended curve drawings




  • Paper topic: Images
  • Software type: Binary
  • Able to run a replicability test: True
  • Replicability score: 5
  • Software language: Python, Cannot answer
  • License: University of British Columbia Evaluation Software License
  • Build mechanism: Not applicable (python, Matlab..)
  • Dependencies: sip / pyqt4
  • Documentation score {0,1,2}: 1
  • Reviewer: Nicolas Mellado <>
  • Time spent for the test (build->first run, timeout at 100min): 30min

Source code information


For this paper, the authors provided precompiled executables implementing their approach with command line interface. On top of these tools, a graphical user interface is defined in Python to load the the input drawing, set the algorithm parameters, call the precompiled binaries, and display and save the results.

The precompiled binaries worked directly.

I had a few difficulties to handle the dependencies of the python script. First, PyQt4 urls given in README.txt are wrong (correct url can be found here: Also, the documentation does not mention to install sip before PyQt4, while it seems to be a mandatory step (pip install sip).

Once this is all fixed, the program runs smoothly and all the results can be reproduced.
The application processes SCAP files, and converters (scap_to_svg and svg_to_scap) are provided. Core algorithms are provided as binaries, yet the software can be adapted in other context as long as the drawings can be stored as svg files.

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