Fast winding numbers for soups and clouds




  • Paper topic: Geometry
  • Software type: Code
  • Able to run a replicability test: True
  • Replicability score: 3
  • Software language: C/C++
  • License: Mozilla Public License
  • Build mechanism: CMakeLists
  • Dependencies: libigl
  • Documentation score {0,1,2}: 1
  • Reviewer: David Coeurjolly <>
  • Time spent for the test (build->first run, timeout at 100min): 30min

Source code information


The program outputs  a ".dmat" (libigl dense matrix format) and there is no explanation. The 717 tutorial in libigl (dev branch)  provides an example of the fast triangule soup approach.

-- Additionnal test on windows --
Tested on Windows, for both clouds and soups: CMakeFile not useful (insists on building dependencies for which I already downloaded precompiled binaries - for soups). Relatively easy to make a new Visual Studio solution (minor things to take care: _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS and _USE_MATH_DEFINES), and install several dependencies (glad, glfw, ...). Data from the paper not provided, but some examples are given. For the libIGL tutorial, it was easy to build but it was not documented that the fast winding number code was in the dev branch (not the master) and that the corresponding tutorial is tutorial 717 and not 702 (which also provides supports for winding numbers).

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