Minor fixes to the code: when running the examples from the examples directory, you need to replace './data/bunny.off' by '../data/bunny.off' in the demo files, and similarly change the '.' to '..' in the vis_vector_field.m file in addOptional(p, 'BinaryPath', fullfile('..', 'bin', 'vis_vector_field', 'vis_vector_field_bin.exe')); I also had to add my visual studio bin directory to my PATH. Also, the readme mentions a code snippet to compute cross fields. There is an error in the routine to display the result : it is not m.draw(CF, alpha) but m.plot(CF, alpha) (the method draw is not a method of the class Mesh, and 'draw_face_field' is not correct either). A single example (bunny) is provided, though I believe it should work similarly well on other examples. It took me significant time making this code run only because I had to perform a fresh cuda install -- it otherwise trivially installs.
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