A symmetric objective function for ICP




  • Paper topic: Geometry
  • Software type: Code
  • Able to run a replicability test: True
  • Replicability score: 5
  • Software language: C
  • License: GPLv2
  • Build mechanism: Makefile
  • Dependencies: trimesh2
  • Documentation score {0,1,2}: 2
  • Reviewer: Julie Digne <julie.digne@liris.cnrs.fr>
  • Time spent for the test (build->first run, timeout at 100min): 20min

Source code information


The code is in the library trimesh2 which should be downloaded here: https://gfx.cs.princeton.edu/proj/trimesh2/. If the path to the code is $location/icptests/ the trimesh2 folder should be $location/trimesh2/. Compile the library with make, then icptests with make. All tests can be run using the bash scripts as explained in the README.

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